12 Causes Of Sudden Blurry Vision

12 Causes Of Blurry Vision

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Blurry vision is one of the earliest symptoms of most eye ailments. If a person starts to experience sudden blurry vision, it may not be a cause for concern, but it can also point to a severe medical condition. Blurry vision is usually due to being affected by some common reasons; thus if you looking for the quest of why is my vision blurry, we will discuss this in this article.

Eye Allergy

A foreign substance entering the eye can cause the production of the chemical histamine. This blurry vision causes biological changes in the eye and can lead to blurry vision, mucus, and tear production, and the eyelids getting stuck together when a person awakes in the morning.

Injury And Trauma

Injury and trauma can cause blood to pool in the eyes, which is medically termed hyphema. This medical condition can lead to damage to the eye and vision. Hyphema symptoms include pain and burning in the eyes, headaches, light sensitivity, and blurred vision.

Brain Tumor

If one is experiencing blurred vision without any apparent reasons, such as a visible eye allergy or injury, especially over an extended period, this could result from a brain tumor. Other symptoms, such as a loss in the senses of taste and smell, fatigue, and headaches, often accompany it.

Eye Strain

When a person has strained their eye over some time in doing a mental activity like book reading or focusing on a television, computer, or smartphone screen without taking breaks, they can experience sudden blurry vision.


Diabetic and vision

In diabetes, a person develops excess sugar in their blood, and their body cannot convert this sugar to energy fast enough. Blurred vision is among the symptoms of diabetes, which include thirst and hunger, tiredness, weight loss, slower than routine healing of cuts and bleeds, and more than normal urination.

Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycaemia is the condition where the blood sugar drops to abnormal levels. People with diabetes may suffer from hypoglycemia as well. Lightheadedness and shivering are commonly experienced when the blood sugar drops very low, possibly accompanied by increased heartbeat, hunger, blurred vision, and unconsciousness.

Parkinson’s Disease 

Parkinson’s is a common condition affecting the nervous system in people who are elderly. It is characterized by shaking limbs, muscle stiffness, which may affect a person’s ability to move about normally, altered speech and the inability to talk clearly, lack of urinary control, disturbed sleep patterns, and blurry vision.


A migraine is a severe throbbing and pulsing pain in the head, which usually affects one side of the head. Migraine blurry vision are commonly accompanied by sudden blurry vision in both eyes and flashing lights.

High Blood Pressure 

Can high blood pressure cause blurry vision? Yes, High blood pressure can harm the eyes in many ways. The eyes contain numerous tiny blood vessels, leading to blurry vision if subjected to high blood pressure. Severely elevated blood pressure can cause strokes and total loss of sight.


A stroke occurs when the human brain cannot get sufficient oxygen and necessary nutrients from the blood, usually due to bleeding or clotting in the connected blood supply. Depending on the severity of the stroke, a person can experience mild symptoms such as dizziness and headache, blurred vision, paralysis and unconsciousness, and even death.

Detached Retina

It can affect the vision if it detaches from the eye structure due to disease injury. Symptoms include blurry vision, visibility of floating specks, shadows, and flashes of light.


Psoriasis is a common skin condition that can also affect the eyes and cause of blurry vision in one eye. It causes the skin to become red, inflamed, and scaly with raised reddish patches. It can occur on the skin of any part of the human body and may also affect the nails and joints.


Hence, we have discussed all the primary 12 reasons that cause sudden blurry vision. However, it is advised to take care of your eye and take all the precautionary measures to have a clear vision. 


What causes blurry vision in the morning?

Blurry vision in the morning is generally caused by mild eye allergies or a medical condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

How can hyphema be treated at home?

To treat hyphema, the accumulation of blood in the eyes, one may use eyedrops, wear a shield over the eyes, rest, and raise the head of the bed to let the blood in the eye drain.

How can we prevent sudden blurry vision due to eye strain?

One must take breaks during strenuous eye activity, such as studying or using electronic devices like televisions, computers, and phones, and wash the eyes with cool water.

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