What to know about milia under the eyes?

milia under the eyes

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Milia is a common condition that can appear on the face of 1 out of 5 people. Now, you will ask, what exactly are the milia under the eyes? So milia under the eyes is the tiny yet white marks that occur under the eye. Well, it is a prevalent condition and is not harmful. There is an array of reasons why milia under the eyes appear. Sometimes, it is due to specific cosmetic concerns or stubborn cysts. Anything could be possible.

What Is Milia Under The Eyes?

Milia, often known as milium cyst, mostly appears in small round shapes with a white, yellowish colour found under the eyes. These milia cysts are small, with 1-2 millimetres in diameter.

Moreover, it is to clarify that milia is not like pimples or acne and hence is not linked with the pores or the inflammation. The primary cause of Mila is the accumulation of dead cells trapped on the skin surface. 

In Whom Do The Milia Appear?

The milia is not restricted to any gender or age. It can appear on any skin type, gender, or age. Well, most of the time, the newborn babies or the infants face the milia under the eyes. This infant milia is known as baby acne; however, this type of milia is not permanent and vanishes just a few weeks after the birth. In adults, the milia appears on individuals with sensitive skin.

However, it is to be noted that milia is not concerning and can disappear, although it could last longer with the poor hygienic situation.

What Are The Causes Of A Milia Under The Eyes?

Understanding the causes of the milia is crucial and essential so that you can prevent it accordingly. Below, we have discussed a few primary reasons.

  • The accumulation of dead skin is one of the reasons milia. The milia appears when the dead skin cells are trapped together because of the lack of shedding. 
  • The excessive use of heavy makeup or oily skin products would disrupt the natural shedding of dead skin, so the milia appear. 
  • Prolonged sun exposure is another reason for their formation. The sun exposure often leads to skin thickness. 
  • Few people have the Milia development problem, and it is inherited from Milia. 
  • Another reason for milia appearance is the specific skin conditions such as epidermolysis bullosa or porphyria.

How To Find That It’s Milia?

The diagnosis process of milia is straightforward and easy to diagnose. The milia have its characteristic appearance. Hence, with a proper physical examination. The health care professional can diagnose it quickly. In some specific cases, a skin biopsy is done to diagnose. 

How To Treat Milia Under The Eyes?

How To Treat Milia Under The Eyes 1

This might be a ubiquitous question that almost every person facing milia wants to know; well, it’s not time-consuming and is resolved over time by itself. Well, there are also a few other ways to treat Milia. 

  • The use of exfoliation products and processes helps in removing the miia. It is recommended to use products like AHAs and beta hydroxy acids that assist in the seeding of dead skin cell accumulation. 
  • The use of topical retinoids is another way it promotes skin cell shedding and prevents and treats milia.
  • The professional extraction of milia by the dermatologist is another way. Milia can be removed with the help of proficient tools and skills. However, it is recommended never to try it at home. It might be dangerous. 
  • Laser therapy is also another recommended way to treat milia. 

Is Milia Serious Things To Worry About?

No, milia is not that typical thing to be concerned about. However, for cosmetic lovers, it might be irritating; the con of milia is that it causes irritation and discomfort to the person; hence, it is always recommended to consult your dermatologist for further evaluation. 

How To Prevent Milia Under The Eyes?

Prevention is always recommended and is more needed than treatment. Below are a few prevention tips you can follow!

  • Always use non-comedogenic products; it reduces the risk of prone and milia.
  • Avoid using oily creams and other products on your -skin.
  • Protect yourself from direct exposure to the sun and apply sun cream.
  • Use cleaning to keep your skin relaxed and clean.

Final Verdict

Milia under the eyes is a common condition of the skin, like shingles in your eyes which is not that severe but needs proper attention. However, understanding its causes, prevention, and treatment is necessary as it assists many individuals in managing the milia. 


How Long Milia Stays?

The milia duration varies from person to person. Few individuals experience it for weeks, while others experience it for months.

Are milia painful or itchy?

Milia are not painful or itchy; however, they might cause discomfort. 

Can I remove Milia at home using a needle or tweezers?

Trying to remove the milia at home is highly not recommended. It might be dangerous and can lead to severe infection. Hence, if you want to remove then always consult your dermatologist.

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