How Does Psoriatic Arthritis Affect The Eyes?

How Does Psoriatic Arthritis Affect The Eyes

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Have you heard about the word “arthritis”? Do you know what arthritis is? Well, arthritis means the inflammation of joints. Arthritis is of various types, each having its own specification; one of the common types of arthritis is psoriatic arthritis. This is a type of arthritis which is mainly linked with psoriasis.

Moreover, psoriatic arthritis is mainly linked with many common problems, such as nail skin diseases, dryness of the eye, or conjunctivitis pain. Thus, this article will explore how psoriatic arthritis affects the eyes. And what are the psoriatic arthritis symptoms? Let’s have a view!

What Is Psoriatic Arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a long-term inflammatory condition that affects the joints. This type of arthritis can be developed in a person of any age; hence, whether you are a teenager or an adult, psoriatic arthritis can appear. Well, most likely, it happens to people aged 30-50. 

Does Psoriatic Arthritis Affect Your Eyes?

Recent research shows that inflammation of the joints in psoriatic arthritis is not only restricted to the joint problems but can also damage the other parts of the body, specifically the eyes. 

The common problems with psoriatic arthritis are eye dryness, conjunctivitis, and eye pain. Moreover, another common disease that is linked to psoriatic arthritic is uveitis. Uveitis is inflammation of the middle layer and has serious resultants such as permanent eye damage or loss of vision.  However, it has been researched that psoriatic link eye problems can be treated with proper research and will have a different hazardous result. 

Eye Complications Related To Psoriatic Arthritis

There are major eye complications that indirectly result from psoriatic arthritis. These complications are also commonly named symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.


It is one of the standard types of eye complications. The middle layer, however, holds a significant position by having the iris, choroid, and ciliary body. 

Symptoms For Uveitis 

The uveitis is easy to detect, and the significant signs are eye pain, sensitivity to light, or eye redness. 


It is another common eye condition due to psoriatic arthritis. The situation appears by the inflammation of the sclera.

Symptoms For Scleritis

Scleritis is characterized by severe pain and the redness of the eye. Moreover, the sensations in the eye are another primary symptom of scleritis. It is a painful condition and leads to more hazardous results if left untreated. 



Conjunctivitis, or the condition of pink eye, is another disease linked with psoriatic arthritis. Conjunctivitis causes itching and a pinkish color of the eyes. However, conjunctivitis related to psoriatic is mainly considered more severe.

Symptoms Of Cojunctivtus

The redness of the eyes with the severe pain and the inflammation are the significant symptoms. 

How Does Psoriatic Arthritis Affect The Eyes?

There are two causes and mechanisms through which the Psoritic affects the eye and results in eye complications:

The Involvement Of The Immune System

Psoriatic arthritis is regarded as an autoimmune disease; hence, the immune system can mistakenly attack healthy tissues. When there is any eye complication, the immune system triggers the inflammation, indirectly affecting the eye parts. 

Genetic Affect

Another cause of how psoriatic arthritics affect the eyes is the genetic history. Any person with a genetic history of affected vision due to PSA can also have eye complications linked with psoriatic.

How To Diagnose?

The psoriatic eye complication can get serious if left untreated; hence, early phase detection is always recommended. The eye complications linked to PSA can be diagnosed by the regular checkup of the dilated eye test and the keen watch on the eye. 

Treatment For The Pasoraitic Arthritis Eye Complications

The psoriatic arthritis is a common disease. Until now, there has been no proper treatment to cure psoriatic arthritis. According to professionals, they always recommend focusing on the inflammation-controlling joints that are affected. In this way, you can provoke pain. At the same time, another treatment is the intake of prescribed medications, often regarded as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. 

Moreover, with your eye’s proper hygienic routine, you can treat your eye complications. At the same time, patient awareness is also necessary and dramatically assists. Informed patients who know symptoms and their importance will always prioritize their treatment. Furthermore, in severe cases, the extended support from the online support groups works extensively and helps. 

Final Verdict

Thus, how psoriatic arthritis affects the eyes is a complex question, but the answer is yes; indirectly, the PSA affects the eye and brings complications. These eye complications are, however, common but can lead to disastrous results. Moreover, to diagnose the affected on eye by psoriatic arthritis, it is recommended to keep a close eye on its symptoms so that you can start the early treatment with appropriate care to have healthy eyes. 


Are there any side effects of arthritis in the eyes?

There are different types of arthritis. The psoriatic arthritis indeed has moderate to severe side effects on the eyes. 

What parts of the body does it affect?

Psoriatic arthritis can upset an individual’s fingers, wrists, spine, feet, eyes, and neck. However, the eyes are the parts that get affected the most.

Can psoriatic arthritis be cured?

There is no remedy for psoriatic arthritis. Reducing symptoms through medicine, acupuncture, and meditation and sticking to the treatment plan can be helpful in recovery.

What are the early warning signs of psoriatic arthritis?

The Early warning signs of psoriatic arthritis include joint stiffness, inflammation, pain, and difficulty moving the joint. However, getting assistance from a professional will assist you in further keen evaluation. 

What are the five types of psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a primary disease; however, there are five significant types. These types include
distal interphalangeal predominant
arthritis mutilans

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