How to Unclog Meibomian Glands_ Everything You Need to Know

How to Unclog Meibomian Glands

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A common vision complication that many people experience these days is the clogging of meibomian glands. These glands are responsible for producing oil, which helps protect the eyes from damage and provides lubrication, but the damage to meibomian glands causes dryness in the eye and leads to discomfort. This ends up causing blurry vision and might also create other vision complications. But there are simple yet effective strategies that you can try to unclog meibomian glands and restore your vision clarity.

These include the use of intense pulsed light, eye masks, and gentle heat to melt the oil, causing the clogging of the glands. Here, we will discuss how you unclog your meibomian glands at home, what are the reasons behind the clogging, management, and much more. Keep reading below to know it all!

Why Unclog Meibomian Glands?

It is important to unclog meibomian glands as their obstruction can lead to irritation, dryness, and vision complications. MGD is an abbreviation of meibomian gland dysfunction, which involves blockage of the oil-producing glands located in the eyelids due to hardening of oil or debris deposition. This oil is involved in the composition of tears and is called meibum. Tears have three main components: oil, water, and mucin.

The lack of an oily layer in the tear film causes instability in the composition and leads to fast evaporation of the tears. As a result, your eyes are left irritated and dry, followed by itching and other vision complications. There are different symptoms of meibomian gland dysfunction, such as redness, watery eyes, and foreign body sensation. Other symptoms include burning, photosensitivity, and frequently occurring blurry vision.

Causes of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction 

  • Low humid environment 
  • Less eye blinking 
  • Increased estrogen production 
  • Aging process 
  • Low omega-3 consumption 
  • Blepharitis 

Diagnosing MGD 

Dry eye disease is a common problem caused due to meibomian gland dysfunction. For the proper diagnosis, it is important to visit your optometrist to rule out the severity of dryness. The optometrist uses diagnostic technology to determine the quality of your tear film and also to know the extent of your eye dryness. Moreover, these experts also have knowledge of using fingertips to check the blockage of meibomian glands. For this, they use slight pressure on the eyelids and notice the accumulation of oil or secretions. After the MGD is properly diagnosed, your optometrist will suggest the best available treatment options depending on the extent of your condition and health needs.

Treatment for Blocked Meibomian Glands 

Blepharitis: How to unclog meibomian glands? This is the most common question people ask who are suffering from MGD. Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelids. The meibomian glands are located in the eyelids. Their blockage involves the accumulation of debris and oil, which leads to inflammation. Here are some of the best treatment options to consider for unclogging meibomian glands.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy 

In this treatment, light pulses are used to melt the oil buildup that is causing the obstruction of glands located along the margin of the eyelid. You have to take at least 3 to 4 sessions of the treatment for a few months to achieve the desired results.


This therapy uses heat to melt the clogged oil, causing obstruction in the meibomian glands. In this procedure, a specially designed tool is used as a heat source placed above the eyelid. After the heat is allowed to reach the obstruction, it is followed by a few minutes of massage to get rid of the extra debris. 

Eyelid Hygiene Products

You can prevent the obstruction of meibomian glands by taking care of your hygiene and practicing a good eye care regime. You can also use eyelid cleansers to clean your eyes and get rid of extra dirt, oil, and debris. Regularly cleaning the eyes can prevent future debris. 

Relief Masks 

You can also use a hot washcloth to unclog the meibomian gland, as warm compressions help relieve oil buildup causing the blockage. There are silica beads filling in the relief masks, which you can heat and then place over your eyes to feel relaxed. Moreover, this gentle heat also melts the oil buildup. 

Punctal Plugs 

These are tiny devices that are inserted into your tear duct and then prevent drainage by blocking the duct. As a result, tears retain for longer, leading to improved lubrication. Moreover, it also helps with increased tear production. The best thing about these plugs is that they are safe to use and very effective for dealing with dry eye and preventing further complications.

Omega-3 Supplements

Omega 3 supplements are also very effective for treating blocked meibomian glands and improving overall eye health. You should add these foods to your diet to improve the oil quality made by meibomian glands and also to treat dry eye symptoms. The most popular sources of Omega 3 include nuts, fish, and oils.

Prevention of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction  

Prevention of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

You can prevent the blockage of meibomian glands by taking care of your eye health and by practicing a healthy lifestyle such as:

  • Regularly use lid scrubs and warm eye compresses to maintain best eye health. 
  • For the best lubrication of your eyes, blink more frequently, especially when you are operating any digital device.
  • Whenever going out in the sun, wear glasses to gain protection from uv rays, wind, dust, etc.
  • Use a humidifier at home and work to keep your surrounding air fresh.
  • Do not sit in a smoky environment, and avoid smoking. 
  • Keep yourself hydrated by consuming a sufficient quantity of water. 


In this article, we have discussed the different ways to unclog meibomian glands that you can practice at home to get rid of this issue. But most importantly, you should know that prevention is the best cure. So make sure to take care of your eye health to prevent clogging of these glands. Also, it is necessary to visit your optometrist regularly to keep you aware of any eye problems you might have a risk of. Moreover, keep your eyes hydrated and lubricated to avoid eye complications and vision loss.


How long does it take to unclog meibomian glands?

The average time taken to unclog the meibomian glands is between 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the method you are using and the severity of the blockage. 

What are the best at-home tips to unclog meibom?

You can consider using eyelid cleansers, omega-3 supplements, and compressions using a hot washcloth to unclog the meibomian gland.

What are the best medications to take for unclogging meibomian glands?

Steroid drops are the most helpful for unclogging meibomian glands as they improve oil flow to the eyes and also decrease inflammation. Make sure to use these drops as prescribed by your optometrist.

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