Why Use UV Protection Sunglasses: Importance and Benefits

Why Use UV Protection Sunglasses Importance and Benefits

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We all know that UV rays are harmful to us as they can lead to different health issues. It is important to protect your eyes from these rays to avoid any possible eye complications and diseases. Most commonly delayed exposure to UV rays can end up causing different eye issues. These include eye cancer, snow blindness, cataracts, and pterygium.

But one thing that you should know here is that you can prevent these conditions by wearing UV protection glasses. These glasses have a special build that is trusted to block UV radiation from passing through. So whenever you are going outside or you have to get exposed to UV radiation for a long time make sure to wear these glasses for your safety.

A common question that arises here is that do all sunglasses have UV protection. Well, one thing that you must keep in mind is that there is variation in the level of UV protection provided by different types of sunglasses. Make sure to consult specialized optical team professionals to help you with choosing the right glasses for your needs. These glasses are not just beneficial for your health and safety but also look stylish and comfortable to use.

Benefits of UV Protection Sunglasses

There are various benefits of using UV protection sunglasses for ensuring the safety of your eyes and avoiding any possible eye complications. These glasses are no less than any superheroes taking care of your eyes and shielding them from dangerous UV radiation. Along with the earlier-discussed benefit, these glasses also improve your vision on sunny and bright days making it more clear. Wearing these glasses will keep you confident that your eyes are protected from UV damage and various eye complications. UV-protected glasses also prevent your eyes from eye sunburn keeping you safe from eye irritation and redness.

How UV Rays Damage Your Eyes?

Why Use UV Protection Sunglasses: Importance and Benefits

Delayed exposure to ultraviolet rays has a negative impact on our health and is likely to cause different eye conditions. Understanding the knowledge of how UV rays affect your eyes is very important to protect your eyes by taking suitable preventive measures. The different eye issues related to long-term UV rays exposure are discussed below:


In this issue, the eye lens becomes cloudy and affects the field of vision. Cataract is basically related to ageing and is also caused by delayed UV exposure.

Eye Cancer

Different types of eye cancers are a result of long-term exposure to UV rays. These include basal cell carcinoma, choroidal melanoma, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and intraocular lymphoma. Eye cancers take a long time to develop so it is better to start using UV-protected sunglasses today to prevent these conditions.


Without proper eye protection, long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to pterygium. This is most commonly observed in skiers, farmers, surfers, fishermen, and other people who spend their day in the outdoor environment on a regular basis.

Snow Blindness

Delayed exposure to ultraviolet reflections of ice, water surfaces, snow, and sand causes photokeratitis which is also known as snow blindness.

How to Choose Your UV-Protected Sunglasses?

How to Choose Your UV-Protected Sunglasses

There are a few factors that you must keep in mind for choosing the best sunglasses for UV protection. These include:

Level of UV Protection

It is important to note that your UV protection sunglasses provide the maximum level of sun protection. Moreover, your glasses should be able to block both types of UV rays (UVA and UVB) for best protection. To find the level of sun protection provided by your glasses look at the packaging or label of your product.


Considering the right size of glasses is also essential for choosing the ideal pair for yourself. Snug-fitting glasses are perfect to provide maximum protection. But make sure that they don’t press very hard against your face or it can be painful or irritating. Good fitting is important to consider or UV rays will manage to sneak inside from the sides of the glasses.

Polarized Lenses

Polarized UV protection sunglasses are the best as they provide UV protection as well as reduce glare. So if you are enjoying in the snow or having quality time on the beach then these glasses are the most ideal. This additional feature will add to the comfort and benefits.

When to Replace Your Eye Protection Sunglasses?

One key point to keep in mind about UV-protected sunglasses is that the more you use them the faster will they lose their efficiency to protect from UV rays. So the best answer to the frequency of replacement of these glasses depends on your usage. There is no specific expiry date for sunglasses. This is why it is often very hard to decide when to replace your sunglasses. According to experts it is recommended to change your glasses after every 2 years if they are being used for 2 hours a day. Moreover, you should also replace your glasses if you notice any cracks or breakage.

If you experience short-term exposure to UV radiation without protective eyewear, you can suffer some vision and eye damage. This damage can cause your eyes to feel gritty, puffy, or like they have sand in them. If you suffer from extreme light sensitivity, your eyes will tear excessively.

What are the Symptoms of UV Exposure?

There are different symptoms of short-term and long-term exposure to UV rays which are mentioned below:

Short-Term Exposure

  • Eye irritation
  • More tear production
  • Light sensitivity

Long-term Exposure

  • Abnormal growth on the eye surface
  • Eye sunburn
  • Cornea and retina damage
  • Macular degeneration
  • Eye and eyelid cancer
  • Cataracts


For your safety and health make sure to choose the best UV protection sunglasses that are compatible with your needs. Choose a trusted eye care team to help you get the most practical and fashionable UV-protected sunglasses for the safety of your eyes. You can decide between the different styles available for both women and men to exercise your look in style for both outdoor and indoor use. Make sure you attend a proper consultation session with your eye care team to ensure that your glasses will fully protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation.


What uv protection is needed for sunglasses?

It is important that the glasses you are choosing provide 100% UV protection and are able to block short wavelengths of up to 400 nm.

What is the difference between polarized and UV protection sunglasses?

The main difference between both these glasses is that polarized glasses provide clarity in vision whereas UV-protected glasses block UV radiations.

How to test if sunglasses have UV protection at home?

You have to follow these simple steps to test if your sunglasses are UV protected. Place a note or credit card behind the lens of your glasses and illuminate the lens with a UV light. If the security elements are invisible then your glasses are 100% UV protected.

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